Dynamic Quiz BuildboxDynamic Quiz Buildbox
A quiz for pleasant leisure and getting great benefits
Dynamic Quiz Buildbox
A quiz for pleasant leisure and getting great benefits
5 arguments that emphasize the peculiarity and uniqueness of this quiz:
- Four quiz modes (Simple, Dynamic, Cognitive, Arcade), the purpose of which is to pump not only your intellect and erudition, but also cognitive thinking;
- You will not find anything like this in any quiz - this is really a quiz of the future!
- Different selection of categories with interesting questions;
- The ability to create and upload your own categories of questions to prepare for exams, tests, tests;
- The ability to find out detailed background information and forever fix within yourself the correct answer to the question in which you made a mistake during the quiz process;
- Download question categories with answer options from Firebase Storage.
 (the method of lazy loading of data is applied, when the application starts, the text part is loaded, and the media files (images, sound) are loaded as needed once into the Texture2D and AudioClip classes, respectively, and remain in memory, in the list of categories that contain questions using media data, and which are ready to be re-displayed to the user)
- Random selection of questions, depending on the selected category (one question for the user is shown no more than 3 times, for the entire time of using the applications)
- Possible replacement of colors of answer options and their movement, in order to train cognitive thinking, reaction and attention
- Separate 3d mode - quiz (arcade) in a separate scene
(Rotation of the ball, the ability to perform movements to the right / left to select an object with the number of the correct answer, as well as avoid collisions with obstacles; the question with answer options is located in the left corner of the screen, and does not interfere with the view when the ball moves)
- Formation of a detailed report after passing the quiz on request, as well as the possibility of getting the opportunity to get the correct answer through external resources
- Integration with the Yandex Advertising Network to display ads in the Quiz for the purpose of monetization
- Integration with AppMetrica to collect metrics and analyze user actions in the application (Disabled)
- Integration with GooglePlayServices for studying statistics, scoring and rating research (not completed yet)
- Supports the localization of two languages: en, ru
- For the quiz to work, you must specify a resource in Firebase Storage, where questions, media resources, and service messages are stored (details in the instructions)
- In debug mode, ads will not work, in order for ads to work on Android, you need to register an account in the Yandex Advertising Network, and set block identifiers for display (for details, see the instructions)
Additionally, to collect metrics and work with AppMetrica :Â Â AppMetrica + Unity
To store data for the quiz:
1) Create project in Firebase Console
2) Go to storage
3) Copy the path to the root folder in the repository (gs://*)
4) Open the project in Unity, find the StorageService object (Application -> Models -> StorageService)
5) in the FirebaseStorageService script, paste the copied path into the UrlFirebaseStorage field
Data structure in Firebase Storage for the quiz:
The categories folder contains all the categories (a separate folder with a name), which can contain several json files. Name format (1.json, 2.json, 3.json, etc.)
The images folder stores all the images that are used in the answer options, the path to them is indicated in imageAnswerPath
The sounds folder contains all the sounds that are used in the answer options, the path to them is indicated in soundAnswerPath
The logo folder stores all images for each category, the name of the file (image) must match the category code.
IMPORTANT: the files with the answers to the questions should be called exactly like this, because when the application is opened, the text part of the questions and answer options are loaded, some random number is selected, it is different for each category, and thus the json is loaded with questions and answer options from only one file, but in my example there is one file for each category, nothing prevents you from doing anything as described above.
IMPORTANT: all categories must be registered in the Categories.json file as shown in the picture above
where name is the name (code) of the category in the string
filesCount - the number of files with questions in the category (1.json, 2.json, 3.json, etc.)
Category structure:
"code": "animals", - Category code
"caption": "Animals;Animals", - Name with localization support (ru;en format)
"quetions": [ - collection of questions
"id": 40000, - question id
"rusQuetion": "What is the name of the phobia, which is the fear of spiders?", - question text with ru locale
"engQuetion": "What is the name of the phobia, which is the fear of spiders?", - question text with en locale
"answers": [ - collection of answer options
"rusAnswer": "Agrizoophobia", - answer with Russian locale
"engAnswer": "Agrisophobia" - answer with english locale
"rusAnswer": "Arachnophobia",
"engAnswer": "Arachnophobia"
"rusAnswer": "Apiphobia",
"engAnswer": "Apiphobia"
"trueAnswerId": 1, - correct answer id (answer numbering starts from 0)
"rusSourceUrl": - reference information on this issue in Russian "https://rg.ru/2021/03/16/vrach-rasskazal-kak-izbavitsia-ot-panicheskogo-straha-pered-paukami.html",
"engSourceUrl": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arachnophobia" - reference information in English
"isClose": false - category availability flag (the category is currently open)
The full set of questions is in the source file in the firebase folder, I remind you that they will need to be uploaded to Firebase Storage
Advertising usage:
1) Register in the Yandex Advertising Network
2) Add an application to the Yandex Advertising Network (provided that it is hosted on the Google Play site)
3) Add advertising blocks, one regular (Interstitial), the other with a reward (Reward)
4) Add block IDs to the project
Category | App Templates / Buildbox / Educational |
First release | 4 August 2022 |
Last update | 4 August 2022 |
Operating Systems | Android 7.0, Android 8.0, Android 9.0, Unity 2019, Android 10.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | .cs, .csproj, .dll, .prefab, build.settings |
Tags | arcade, quiz, ads, dynamic, firebase, lazy, cognitive, appmetrica |