Abru - Creative Resume And Portfolio TemplateAbru - Creative Resume And Portfolio Template
Clean & professional design to ensure the latest resume/portfolio
Abru - Creative Resume & Portfolio Template make with love. 100% pure hand-code made by the developer. Clean & professional design to ensure the latest resume/portfolio. You can use this template for your online resume or portfolio. You can use this template for agency, personal portfolio, photography, resume, web design works, and freelance portfolios. Abru comes with light and dark versions.
Purchasing Abru will allow you to download ALL future updates for free, also full support if you need any assistance.
Simply change the text, and add your images. We have a 14/7 support team available.
Abru Features
- Bootstrap v5.0.1
- Light Version
- Dark Version
- Clean and Professional Design
- Cross Browser Compatible
- Fully Responsive
- Clean Code
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Pricing Table
- Google Map
- Working Contact Form
- Well Documented
- 24/7 Support
- jQuery - http://jquery.com
- Bootstrap - http://getbootstrap.com
- jquery inview - https://github.com/protonet/jq...
- Modernizr - http://modernizr.com
- Owlcarousel - http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarou...
- jQuery-One-Page-Nav - http://github.com/davist11/jQu...
Images Credits
- Pexels - https://www.pexels.com
Icons Credits
- Font-Awesome - http://fortawesome.github.io/F...
Fonts Credits
- Google fonts - https://www.google.com/fonts
What do you Receive?
- HTML Template
- HTML template documentation
Support Message
- After purchasing and downloading the files, Extract the Main file, and please go to the Template_file folder.
- Now open index.html or other home page version files using any editor like Notepad++, or sublime editor.
- Changes your content and images, upload them to your server and Enjoy.
- If you face any problem, just contact me via email or profile message box.