Task Manager App NodeJSTask Manager App NodeJS
A simple task manager app (like to-do list app) handles all CRUD operations on tasks
Task Manager App NodeJS
A simple task manager app (like to-do list app) handles all CRUD operations on tasks
A simple task manager app (like to-do list app) handles all CRUD operations on tasks which are create tasks, view tasks, update tasks, and delete task using **Node js** and **MongoDB** as back-end and with beautifully design using **React js** for front-end.
There is a README.MD file including the steps to deploy the app locally or deploy it using docker and docker compose (the docker files and docker compose file are with the source codes for the front-end and back-end )
1- you can add, edit, remove and update any task on the app
2- there is a seed script to populate the database with tasks
3- you can switch the task to done or undone
4- the app is responsive
### First time configurations
-- **Back-End Side:**
* cd task-manager-app/backend
* touch .env ==> add the following environment variables inside it:
PORT=5000 (5000 is an example)
-- **Front-End Side:**
* cd ../frontend/
* touch .env ==> add the following environment variable inside it:
REACT_APP_API_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:5000 (the same port 5000 as used above)
### Deployment locally
* Go to backend folder and execute these commands:
npm install
npm run seed (optional to populate the database)
npm start
* Go to frontend folder and execute these commands:
npm install
npm start
* Open the app on http://localhost:3000
Category | Scripts & Code / NodeJS |
First release | 24 June 2022 |
Last update | 1 July 2022 |
Files included | .css, .html, Javascript .js |
Tags | node js react js mongodb database javascript web |