WP UM Social - WordPress Ultimate Member PluginWP UM Social - WordPress Ultimate Member Plugin
“WP UM Social” plugin extend Ultimate Member functionality to next level in terms of socialization.
WP UM Social - WordPress Ultimate Member Plugin
“WP UM Social” plugin extend Ultimate Member functionality to next level in terms of socialization.
“WP UM Social” plugin extend Ultimate Member functionality to next level in terms of socialization. It will give you option to connect with each other from members directory and member profile page. Once a connection has been established (Sender send request and receiver accept request), he/she/they will be able to send messages between them.
This plugin comes with features like below:
1) Options to send connection request between registered members from member directory and profile details page.
2) Option to accept or deny connection request.
3) Once a connection request is being sent, receiver will receive an email about this connection.
4) If a member accepts a connect, again sender will receive an email about connection acceptance.
5) Members will be able to send message between them.
6) Each time a member sends messages, receiver will get an email notification as well.
7) On the Ultimate Member Privacy section, a member will get additional three options (Turn on/off email notification for message, new connection request and connection acceptance) to protect his/her/their privacy.
8) It comes with a settings page, where you will get option to change tabs name, buttons and notification color change and finally all the email notification email text format change.
9) It also has option to call notification window using short code [wpumsocial], so that you can call this notification anywhere you want.
10) It also comes with a widget for notification window, that you will get under regular WordPress widget with name of "Um Social Widget", which you can use to show notification window in any widget place on your template.
1) Connections between registered members
2) Chat between connected members
3) Email notification for connections and chat
4) Settings Page, Shortcode and Widget for showing notifications on your template.
1) Wordpress
2) Ultimate Member
3) PHP 7.1 or more
Go to plugins section of wordpress and locate wp-um-social.zip file, and click install. Once installation is done, please activate this plugin. Now it will check if Ultimate Member plugin is installed or not, if not then it will ask you to install the plugin.
Please search wordpress plugin section with name of "Ultimate Member" and install the plugin and active it. It is prerequiste to have this plugin. Actually WP UM Social plugin extend functionality of Ultimate Member, so that registered user can connect with each other and sends message between them.
After installation both the plugins, you will get a settings page under wordpress settings section with name of Um Social Settings, there you will get option to set buttons, colors and mail format customization, finally press save button to save it.
Now if you go to regular Ultimate Members directory (members) section, you will see each member has option to connect each other, once a connections request is sent, that user will get a mail notification and accept the connection request, they will be able to chat with each other.
This plugin has a built in widget to call notification window on any place of a theme. It also has a short code [wpumsocial], just call this short code on any page and then if you browse that page, it will show notification bell and clicking on that bell will show all the notifications.
Under privacy section, users will get option to turn off email notifications.
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Category | Plugins / WordPress / Miscellaneous |
First release | 18 May 2022 |
Last update | 18 May 2022 |
Supported CMS | WordPress 4.5, WordPress 4.6, WordPress 4.7, WordPress 4.8, WordPress 4.9, WordPress 5.0, WordPress 5.8, WordPress 5.9 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Tags | chat, communications, connections |