Animated Pixel Knight Game SpritesAnimated Pixel Knight Game Sprites
Pixel knight sprites with animations: running, attack, jump, jump-attack
Animated Pixel Knight Game Sprites
Pixel knight sprites with animations: running, attack, jump, jump-attack
Ready to go game sprites of pixel knight with animations: running, jumping, attack, jump-attack.
Package consists png sprite-sheets and sprites of pixel knight animation and documentation for implementing it to a unity game for example.
Sprites format: PNG, 64x64
Documentation format: PDF with screenshots and detailed description.
• Running animation: 12 sprites 64x64
• Attack animation: 14 sprites 64x64
• Jump animation: 6 sprites 64x64
• Jump-attack animation 7 sprites 64x64
If you want to customize any of sprites - you can do that using any image editor.
Sprites tested in Unity game engine.
If you want to make a game with these sprites - perhabs you will need sprite editor, which Unity game engine have.
Sprite editor in Unity game engine needs to set anchors for sprite images - this is detailed in the documentation for this asset.
Sprites tested in Unity 2021, 2019, 2018, Unity 5, Unity 4
1. Package contains sprite-sheets with sprite images, which need to be imported to you project (e.g. Unity)
2. In the game-engine Sprite Editor you need to set anchors for specific position, where your character will be initiated (e.g. bottom of the foot)
3. Create an animation controller, create 5 animations called "Running", "Jump", "Attack", "Jump-attack" and "Idle" which will only take one first sprite from the running sprite-sheet and add all existing animations to the animator.
4. Drag and drop sprites into the animation editor to create character animations.
5. Add a "sprite render" component to the game object on the stage, add an "animator" component and a script that will control the character (details in the documentation for this asset)
If you have any questions, please mail me with title "Pixel Knight" at: rucke03@gmail.com