Distance Between Cities Calculator PHP ScriptDistance Between Cities Calculator PHP Script
This distance calculator will give you the estimated travel distance between two cities or places along with location map.

Distance Between Cities Calculator PHP Script
This distance calculator will give you the estimated travel distance between two cities or places...

Distance Calculator is one of the most important travel tool used by travelers to calculate the distance between cities. This distance calculator will give you the estimated travel distance between the two cities or places along with location map. It is PHP/Javascript/MySQL based script integrated with free Open Street Map (OSM) API using Leaflet JS library and bootstrap CSS framework. OpenStreetMap is a good alternative to Google Maps and allows unlimited free searches.
This script allows to create unlimited city subdomains and it can automatically redirect US visitors to city specific sub-domain pages. More than 10 thousand USA cities data included in it.
Admin Panel Demo Link: https://distancebetweentwociti...
Username: admin
Password: 123
- Using Free OpenStreetMap APIs
- Unlimited City Subdomains
- More Than 10 Thousand Cities Data Included
- Unlimited Searches
- Responsive Design
- Admin Panel with easy to add Google Analytics and Adsense Ads Code
- Have a web hosting to upload script files and MySQL Database to run this script
- Shared hosting with Cpanel
- Login to your cpanel hosting
- Navigate to Subdomains under the Domains section
- Create a wildcard subdomain * pointing it to the "cities" folder (Subdomain: * & Domain: yourdomain.com & Document Root: public_html/cities)
- Open MySQL Databases, create database and give database name like you want
- Create user for your database
- Add user to your database and check ALL PRIVILEGES
- Open phpMyAdmin and select your database
- Import database file “cities.sql.zip” from download package inside ‘Script‘ folder
- Open File Manager via cpanel or ftp server
- Upload all files inside “Script_Files” folder to your folder destination on your hosting
- you must edit both “db.php” and "admin/db.php" files and replace with your own database configuration data
- Open admin panel page by opening your website link e.g. https://yourwebsite.com/admin/
- Default admin panel login details are "username:admin" and "password:123"
- Login to your admin panel and go to "Settings" menu and change the details according to your website
Other items by this author
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Miscellaneous |
First release | 14 April 2022 |
Last update | 19 September 2022 |
Software version | PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3, PHP 7.4, PHP 8.0, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Tags | bootstrap, google analytics, leaflet, openstreetmap, distance calculator, distance between cities, distance between two cities, osm, open street map api, responsive seo design, google adsense |