Ample Admin - The Ultimate Dashboard TemplateAmple Admin - The Ultimate Dashboard Template
Transform Your Dashboards : Experience Ample Admin the Ultimate Bootstrap 5 Template

Ample Admin - The Ultimate Dashboard Template
Transform Your Dashboards : Experience Ample Admin the Ultimate Bootstrap 5 Template

Ample Admin is a popular open source WebApp template for admin dashboards and control panels. It is a responsive HTML template that is based on the CSS framework Bootstrap 3.3.7 It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in its design and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can be used as a user interface for backend applications. Ample Admin is based on a modular design, which allows it to be easily customised and built upon. This documentation will guide you through installing the template and exploring the various components that are bundled with the template.
- 3+ Different Dashboards
- 7 Different Demos
- Ample Admin Minimal Demo Version (New)
- Material Design Dashboard Version (New)
- 6 Color Skins
- Clean and Simple Landing Page Included (Free $12)
- Data Table Export to CSV, Excel, PDF, Copy and Print
- Main PSD Files Included (Free $12)
- Megamenu
- Lightbox
- Summernote
- Range Slider
- Light and Dark Color Schemes
- Light/Dark Sidebar Themes
- 600+ pages
- 500+ Ui Components
- RTL Support
- Lots of widgets
- Bootstrap 3x
- 3000+ Fonts Icons
- Fully Responsive pages
- Lessbase CSS
- Easy to customize
- Many Charts Options
- Multi File upload
- Lots of Table Examples
- Validation Forms
- Chat Application (New)
- Mail box
- Inbox detail
- Compose mail
- Contact / Employee Listing (New)
- Contact / Employee Listing Variation (New)
- Contact / Employee Details (New)
UI Elements
- Panels and Wells
- Panel with blockUI (New)
- Buttons
- Sweat alert
- Typography
- Grid
- Tabs
- Stylish Tabs (New)
- User Cards (New)
- Modals
- Progress Bars
- Notifications
- Carousel
- List & Media object (New)
- Timeline
- Horizontal Timeline (New)
- Nesteble
- Range Slider (New)
- Bootstrap UI
- Stylish Tooltip (New)
- Basic Forms
- Form Layout
- Form Addons
- Form Material
- Form with Float input (New)
- File Upload
- Form Mask
- Form Validation
- File Dropzone
- Form-pickers
- Image cropping (New)
- Form-wizards
- Typehead (New)
- X-editable
- Summernote (New)
- Bootstrap wysihtml5
- Tinymce wysihtml5
- Professional
- Sample Pages
- Starter Page (New)
- Blank Page
- Lightbox Popup (New)
Email template (New)
- Basic (New)
- Alert (New)
- Reset Password (New)
- Billing (New)
Other Pages
- Treeview (New)
- Search Result (New)
- Utility Classes (New)
- Custom Scroll (New)
- Login Page
- Login page v2 (New)
- Animations (New)
- Profile
- Invoice
- Gallery
- Pricing
- Register
- Register V2 (New)
- 3 Step Registration (New)
- Recover Password
- Lock Screen
- Error 400
- Error 403
- Error 404
- Error 500
- Error 503
- Flot Charts
- Morris Chart
- Chart-js
- Peity Charts
- Sparkline charts
- Knob charts (New)
- Extra Charts
- Basic Tables
- Table layouts (New)
- Data Table
- Bootstrap Tables
- Responsive Tables
- Editable Tables
- FooTables
- JsGrid Tables
- Font awesome###li/li###
- Simple line Icons
- Linea Icons
- Weather Icons
More Features
- Google Map
- Vector Map
- Calendar
- Multi-Level Dropdown
- Log out
- Support
- Documentation
- Gallery
- Faqs
Email us at - [email protected]
If you're looking for admin panel template free download built with a specific framework, here are some options to explore: Bootstrap templates, Angular templates, React Templates, NextJS templates, Vue dashboards, Tailwind CSS Admin Dashboards, Vuetify Templates, Nuxt Templates, MUI Templates.
- 7+ Unique Demos
- 3+ Unique Dashboard Variations
- 500+ UI Elements
- 3000+ Font Icons
- 6+ Predefined Color Schemes
- RTL Ready
- Light and Dark Color Schemes
- Minimal and Material Design Options
- PSD Files Included
- Bootstrap v5.3.2
- Checkout Our Documentation
May 13, 2018gabisajr PurchasedRating:
Jul 16, 2017goziextech PurchasedRating:
Other items by this author
Category | Themes / HTML / Admin Templates |
First release | 27 March 2017 |
Last update | 9 August 2024 |
HTML/CSS Framework | Bootstrap, Less |
Files included | .css, .html, .less, Layered .psd, Javascript .js |
Tags | admin template, admin, dashboard, bootstrap template, less, material design, admin themes, responsive admin, web app kit |