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Snake And Ladders Unity ProjectSnake And Ladders Unity Project
Snake & Ladder is a classic board game developed in Unity3D with Admob integration.Home / App Templates / Unity / Templates / Board

Snake And Ladders Unity Project
Snake & Ladder is a classic board game developed in Unity3D with Admob integration.
- Snake & Ladder is a classic board game developed in Unity3D.
- This game package is supported for both platforms: Android as well as iOS.
- This classic game is played between 2-4 players.
- Snake & Ladder package contains well commented source code written in C#.
- Game package is easy to reskin and understandable Source code with comments in scripts.
- Please checkout the Youtube link for game project demo.
- Unity3D 2018.4.6f1Â or Higher
- Game Package is integrated with Admob Integration
- Supported for Android as well iOS platforms
- 2-4 players options.
- Easy to Reskin & properly well commented code within the scripts itself
- Source code is written in such manner which is easy and simple to understand.
- Good Graphics and design assets.
- Sound assets included with Sound Programming script i.e. SoundManagerScript.cs
- Full developer support
- Unity3D 2018.4.6f1 or Higher
- Make Sure unity3D 2018.4.6f1 or Higher is already installed on the system
- Import SnakeLadderAdmob.unitypackage in Unity3D.
- After importing the above package, Add 2 scenes "Main Menu" and "Snake Ladder" in Build Settings. Just hit play button Unity3D editor to play the game.
- This package contains important scripts as follows
- SnakeLadderScript.cs -  This Script contains whole logic of Snake & Ladder gameplay. Just look in the inspector to learn about variables assigned in this script. This code is very easy to understand and written in simple understandable code.
- SoundManagerScript.cs - Â This scripts contains Sound Coding and written in few lines of code which is easy to understand. The same script can be used in other games as well.This scripts contains Sound Coding and written in few lines of code which is easy to understand. The same script can be used in other games as well.
- MainMenuScript.cs -  This scripts contains public functions which are attached on UI Elements. Just have a look at Hierarchy window for better understandng.
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Category | App Templates / Unity / Templates / Board |
First release | 19 March 2017 |
Last update | 26 July 2021 |
Operating Systems | iOS 10.0, Android 7.0, Unity 5.5, Unity 5.5, Unity 2019, iOS 8.0, iOS 9.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | Layered .psd, Layered .png, .cs, .dll, .unityproj, .obj, .prefab, .fbx, .xml |
Tags | android, iOS, admob, Kids, Puzzle, Board, unity3d, snake, players, complete project, dice, ladder |