Employee Manager - Attendance Manager PHP ScriptEmployee Manager - Attendance Manager PHP Script
A good platform for large companies that need good employee managementEmployee Manager - Attendance Manager PHP Script
A good platform for large companies that need good employee managementOverview
Our new platform aims to simplify the process of monitoring employees, we want to create a place where employees can socialize between themselves and their superiors.
Demo Website: https://demo.mt2-services.eu/timekeep/
Admin Details: admin & 123123123
User Details: test & 123123123
General Features
1. Responsive design
2. Easy Install
Employee features:
1.Home - includes statistics about hours worked, earnings for the current month, date of employment and the position you hold, graphs that show you how many hours you worked each day in the current month and help you keep statistics, on the first page you will also find news posted by your superiors.
2.Work Schendule - on this page you can view your work schedule by days and hours posted by your boss.
3.All Employees - here you can see a list of all employees and their profiles, entering their profiles you have access to more details such as: salary, position, hobbies, personal creations, date of birth, date of employment and links to social networks.
4.Start Working/Stop Working - a system that automatically records the hours worked by you, which at the end of the work schedule automatically saves in the database.
5. Notification System - this system will help with announcements received from your bosses about salary submission or other things.
6. Languages System - currently the site is available in 10 international languages such as: English, Romanian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish, Hungarian, Italian, Polish.
7. Profile System - you can add and delete details and information about yourself, you can change the profile picture
Admin features:
All the functions of an employee +
1.Add News - you can add news for all employees
2. Like System - employees can react to your post
3. Add Role - you can add permissions for users and employees
4. Work Schendule - you can add the work schedule for each employee, in a very easy to use system
5. Site Configuration - you can change banner, site title and logo from admin panel without any programming knowledges
6. Currency - you can use one of the 170 currencies in the world, the currency in which salaries are paid
7. Languages - you can install/uninstall languages to use your country language
8. Add Employee - you can create a new employee account to secure platform
9. Employees List - you can see all employees list and you can block account and edit some informations, like salary or another
New updates and new functions coming!
Next updates contain:
- Workers and boss chat
- New graph with salary/month and another
- Add payment statement (Bank payment)
- Payment to employees from platform by paypal & stripe
- Windows APP
- New languages
We are waiting your proposals!
My creation need:
PHP > 5.6
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Management / Business |
First release | 14 October 2021 |
Last update | 14 October 2021 |
Software version | PHP 7.0, PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3, PHP 7.4, PHP 8.0, PHP 5.6 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .less, Javascript .js |
Tags | application, php, software, pdo, employee, HRM, leave, human resource, timesheet, attendance manage system, e-office, work schendule |