Home / App Templates / Unity / Templates / Adventure

Tiki Platformer Kit UnityTiki Platformer Kit Unity
TIKI 2.5D PLATFORMER KIT is a 2.5D platformer game kit with many features will help you build a new 2.5D game easily.Home / App Templates / Unity / Templates / Adventure

Tiki Platformer Kit Unity
TIKI 2.5D PLATFORMER KIT is a 2.5D platformer game kit with many features will help you build a n...
- 2.5D classical platform game with controller input buttons###li/li###
- Many helper items, obstacles, enemies,...
- Level system with scrolling level items
- Shop system to buy heart and unlock characters
- 3 stars system
- Checkpoints
- Watch Admob to earn coin/lives
- Easy replace the character with other Humanoid characters
- Mecanim Animator system
- Collectable items: coin/heart/jetpack,...
- Sample Obstacles/Enemies
Player ability:
- Idle
- Walk
- Run (double tap)
- Slide down (while running)
- Melee Punch Attack###li/li###
- Jump
- Swimming
- Hanging pipe and moving
- Catch the rope and jump
- Fly with Jetpack
- Grab and climb the high ledge
- Auto climb up and over the low object
- Many helper objects to work with (hidden pipe path, teleport, jump zone, springs,...)
Camera script features:
- Follow the player
- Adjust the limit up and below position
- Set offset position to player
Enemy and Obstacles features:
For more information, please contact: [email protected]
Unity 2020.3.15
Please read the tutorial file in the game folder
Other items by this author
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Unity Game Reskin Service
Have your Unity Game reskinned to meet your needs.
$499 | Buy now |
Category | App Templates / Unity / Templates / Adventure |
First release | 24 September 2021 |
Last update | 24 September 2021 |
Operating Systems | iOS 11.0, iOS 12.0, MacOS 10.14, Windows 10, Unity 2019, Android 10.0, iOS 13.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0 |
Files included | Layered .psd, Layered .png, .cs, .prefab, .xml, build.settings |
Tags | game, adventure, 2d, classic, mario, 3d, platform, Game kit, 2.5d, lep world, leps, platform 2.5d |