Rider HTML Pro - HTML Admin TemplateRider HTML Pro - HTML Admin Template
Professional Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Theme in combination with Gulp, Webpack, Yarn, NPM configs and unified with Sass, Javascript
Rider HTML Pro - HTML Admin Template
Professional Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Theme in combination with Gulp, Webpack, Yarn, NPM configs ...
Ride on solid & expandable foundation code
Rider performance is made of the latest Bootstrap 5 in combination with Gulp, Webpack, Yarn, NPM configs and unified with Sass, Javascript, Typescript. Admin dashboard components have lazy initialization via HTML attributes, so no more repeating JS code. You will have quality documentation with features usage demos and code examples that are easy to copy & paste.
Ready-to-use pages
Integrated native custom scrollbars, 30 popular 3rd party plugins (see full list below in package details), 100 UI Elements, and 40 In-house components built exclusively with Sass and Javascript without jQuery dependency.
35 Pre-build pages
Account, Authentication pages, Subscriptions app, Chat app, Email Templates, "404" and "505" Errors, Invoice, Pricing, FAQ, About us and advanced multi-step wizard.
Easy ride on the flat user interface
The dashboard has a clean UI with UX in mind. Unique rounded style globally applied to every single element. Rider PRO flexible CSS utility classes build on top of Bootstrap 5 will cover almost all your design needs. You can customize widgets, charts, tables without changing any single line of Sass. The dashboard replicates the same desktop content on mobile devices.
- Latest Bootstrap 5.0.2 - crafted with the world’s most popular front-end open source toolkit.
- Core framework - solid & expandable foundation with flexible design system.
- Yarn, NPM, Webpack, Gulp - automate repetitive workflows and compose them into efficient build pipelines.
- Documentation - complete guidance materials with easy to copy & paste code examples.
- Source Code - a full source code contains of SASS, JavaScript, HTML, Gulp config, Webpack config.
- In-house Components - over 40 components built exclusive with SASS and JavaScript without jQuery dependency.
- Authentication - one stop solution for Sing-up, Sing-in, Password reset, Trial Sign-up pages. Icons - Duotone SVG, Bootstrap
- Icons, Fontawesome icon sets with highly used icon options.
- Charts - advanced Apexchart and Chart.js plugins for all charting needs. FormValidation – powerful validation library for JavaScript.
- Select2 – gives you a customizable select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling.
- Datatables – is a plug-in for the jQuery JavaScript library.
- Flatpickr – is a lightweight and powerful datetime picker.
- Sweetalert2 – a beautiful, responsive, customizable replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes.
- Toastr – is a simple JavaScript toast notifications.
- Inputmask – is a javascript library that creates an input mask.
- Dropzone – is an open source library that provides drag and drop file uploads with image previews.
- Daterangepicker – creates a dropdown menu from which a user can select a range of dates.
- Tagify – Transforms an input field or a textarea into a Tags component.
- Quill – is a modern WYSIWYG editor built for compatibility and extensibility.
Category | Themes / HTML / Admin Templates |
First release | 11 August 2021 |
Last update | 11 August 2021 |
Files included | .css, .html |
Tags | bootstrap admin template, bootstrap 5, admin dashboard theme |