Backpacker - Android Travel AppBackpacker - Android Travel App
Store your Fav Place, Navigate there and Write Review!
Backpacker - Android Travel App
Store your Fav Place, Navigate there and Write Review!
This is an application that serves as your notebook while traveling ..
This application can store your favorite places such as hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions, museums and more.
This application is equipped with navigation where you can go to a place that you register in advance of your current location.
You can store as many spots as you go and come back again without fear of losing the instructions!
- Simple, Extravaganz Design
- Supporting by Google Material Design, Swipe Refresh, Collapsing Toolbar, Viewpager Fragment, Screen Dim Animation, RecycleView, CardView, Navigation Drawer, Sliding Tab, Scrollview, Fading Toolbar and many more
- Google AdMob for Ads support
- Google Map for storing Place Location
- Splash Screen included
- Floating Action Menu with Screen Dim Animation
- Circle Imageview
- Alert Dialog
- Local SQLite Database
- User Session supported based on Shared Preference
- Profile Page
- Android Studio 2.+
Please read the manual guide inside .zip package
Category | App Templates / Android / Applications / Travel |
First release | 24 January 2017 |
Last update | 6 May 2017 |
Files included | .java, .xml, build.settings |
Operating Systems | Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Tags | android, restaurant, photo, hospital, Music, google, Car, map, file, hotel, travel, parking, bus |