Ultimate S Image Slider Plugin For OsClassUltimate S Image Slider Plugin For OsClass
Image slides are very flexible and will help you create a great slider for your Classified website.

Image slides are very flexible and will help you create a great slider for your website. You choose an image as background and later add as many texts as you want. You can customize how and when the text appear in the slide. You are not required to add any text, but it will make your slide more awesome.
Premium and normal listing slides are powerful automatic slides created from the listings of your website. You could chose what listings to show by ID, or by category. You could add several IDs or categories separated by commas. For example: 1,3,4 will select one random listing from the available listings that met the criteria, in this case one listing from categories 1, 3 and 4.
only slides with pictures will be added to the slider. To improve performance when using listing slides, it could happen that the listing picked has no picture and not added to the slider.
A slide presentation is composed of slides, and each slide is composed of one image and optional animated layers with text. Easy Slider makes it really simple to create a slider for your classified website in few minutes.
Images : A background image of your choice, you could add animated text in layers.
Premium Listings : A slide created from a premium listing. Title, price and a short description is added in layer with animated effects. You could chose to make a slide from all the categories or the selected ones.
Normal Listings : A slide created from a normal listing, similar to the premium slides. Title, price and a short description is added in layer with animated effects. You could chose to make a slide from all the categories, the selected ones or by listing's ID.
- Osclass Version 3.2+
Add wherever you want the slider to appear. It would be usually the files called main.php (homepage) or header.php (header). And that's all the modification you need to do to your theme files, the slider is fully configurable from the admin panel.