FCF - Foreign Currencies Handling FacilitatorFCF - Foreign Currencies Handling Facilitator
This wordpress / woocommerce plugin is an ALL-IN-ONE solution for online market places owners, sellers, end customers.
FCF - Foreign Currencies Handling Facilitator
This wordpress / woocommerce plugin is an ALL-IN-ONE solution for online market places owners, se...
This wordpress / woocommerce plugin is an ALL-IN-ONE solution
for online market places owners, sellers, end customers. It not only
masters the issues around selling products in foreign currencies and
countries, but also helps market places owners and sellers to make
additionally money out of this.
- Add 1-10% on top
of instant Exchange rates
- Specify the number of usable currencies for your different roles
- Set a specific products price for each given currency
- Round up the converted price to your convenience
- Automatic target currency detection, depending on end users Location
- Manual target currency selection, done by end users in your Website
- Customize foreign currencies names, Formats, symbols, signs, brands
- Users to roles settings and restrictions
- Appropriate for all other currency echange use cases
- Supports 237 countries and 157 currencies
- WooCommerce (requires at least 2.3.13)
- WordPress (requires at least 2.9.2)
Admin Dashboard demo: http://fcf-gajelabs.com/wp-admin/
Frontend user login: http://fcf-gajelabs.com/my-account/
Frontend user demo: http://fcf-gajelabs.com/
Admin credentials (e.g. marketplace owner)
User: admin, Password: adminÂ
Role credentials (e.g. marketplase seller) (e.g. marketplace owner)
User: seller, Password: sellerÂ
Other credentials (e.g. if you don’t want to test the marketplace/multiuser use case)
User: demo, Password: demo
Looking for support, a copy of the readme, Theme updates, Ideas or usage instructions? Check out our Documentation for FCF – Foreign Currencies Handling Facilitator.
== Changelog ==
=Â 1.1Â =
* Fixed: End users widget with flags + currencies
* Fixed: Multi users / roles display style
* Added: ShortcodeÂ
= 1.0 =
* Added: All-in-one    Â
* Added: Approximate the products price
* Added: Allow to auto update exchange rate
* Added: Exchange rates are fetched from Yahoo Finance So they are always updated
* Added: Set time to update Exchange rates
* Added: Customize each currency separately
* Added: Set the position for each currency (e.g. £50, 50£)
* Added: 1-10% on top of instant Exchange rates
* Added: Round up the converted price to your convenience
* Added: Customize foreign currencies names, Formats, symbols, signs, brands
* Added: Several options to customize your exchange rate for each currency
* Added: Format / rename your currencies
* Added: Automatic target currency detection, depending on end users Location (e.g. Auto detection)
* Added: End users widget
* Added: Allow to add a decimal numbers display
* Added: Set the number of decimals
* Added: Enable Multi roles based, webpages display currency
* Added: Specify the number of usable currencies for your different roles
* Added: Set a specific products price for each given currency Â
* Added: Appropriate for multi store market places (e.g. WC Marketplace)
* Added: Appropriate for multi vendor sites (e.g. WC Vendors, Dokan)
* Added: Users to roles settings and restrictions
* Added: Simplified the products creations UI for multiple currencies
* Added: Supports 237 countries and 157 currencies
* Added: Appropriate for all other currency echange use cases
* Added: Mobile friendly
* Added: Replace Original Price
* Added: Supports all modern browsers
* Added: Easy installation
Other items by this author
Category | Plugins / WooCommerce |
First release | 15 December 2016 |
Last update | 24 January 2017 |
Supported CMS | WordPress 4.4, WordPress 4.3, WordPress 4.2, , WordPress 4.0, , , , WooCommerce 2.5.x, WooCommerce 2.6.x, WordPress 4.5, WordPress 4.6 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, Javascript .js |