Hybrid Tornado CMSHybrid Tornado CMS
Have your own CMS adapted to your projects in just some minutes
Hybrid Tornado CMS
Have your own CMS adapted to your projects in just some minutes
Hybrid CMS is the new CMS generation.
Forget other complicated CMS with confusing tables and administration. I created this CMS intuitive to make your life easier.
With Hybrid CMS you can have your adapted administration panel in just some minutes.
Hybrid CMS is extremely flexible and modular and lets you create your own modules.
Every module is virtual, so you don't have it physically but every module has their own table.
This CMS is less than 10Mb and most plugins are hosted on https://www.jsdelivr.com - jsDelivr is a free public CDN for open-source projects.
Hybrid is Powered By (CMS Scripts)
- fancybox (Version 3.5.7) - To see all galleries of photos and vÃdeos
- fontawesome (Version 5.15.1) - For all icons in panel
- bootstrap (Version4.5.3) - Is a standard Twitter Bootstrap library
- bootstrap-colorpicker (Version 3.2.0) - Is a modular color picker plugin for Bootstrap
- bootstrap-daterangepicker (Version 3.1.0) - Date range picker component for Bootstrap
- bootstrap-maxlength (Version 1.10.0) - A visual feedback indicator for the MaxLength attribute
- bootstrap-select (Version 1.13.18) - Intuitive multiselection, searching, and much more
- bootstrap-table (Version 1.18.1) - An extended table to integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks
- dropzone (Version 5.7.2) - Handles drag and drop of files for you
- jquery (Version 3.5.1) - JavaScript library for DOM operations
- jquery-ean13 (Version 2.2.5) - A JavaScript library for the generation of EAN13-barcodes
- jquery-ui-themes (Version 1.12.0) - jQuery UI 1.12.0 Themes
- jquery.calculator (Version 2.0.1) - jQuery Calculator Plugin
- pace-progressbar (Version 1.0.4) - Automatic page load progress bar
- quagga (Version 0.12.1) - An advanced barcode-scanner written in JavaScript
- slug (Version 4.0.2) - Slugifies even utf-8 chars
- sweetalert2 (Version 10.12.7) - A beautiful, responsive, customizable and accessible replacement for JavaScript's popup boxes
- tableexport.jquery.plugin (Version 1.10.21) - html table export
- tinymce (Version 5.6.2) - Web based JavaScript HTML WYSIWYG editor control
- elfinder(Version 2.1.57) - Open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery and jQuery UI
- cloudinary(Version 2.0) - Filemanager and upload files
All Hybrid Features
- In some input types you can talk and it'll be write directly in input
- Calculate price values and taxes directly in input type with a calculator
- Search images in Unsplash Pixabay Stockvault Pexels or Google and save directly in your server
- Cloudinary Upload Widget with many extras for upload images
- Search vÃdeos in Pixabay Pexels and save directly in your server
- Search url vÃdeos in YouTube and save only ID YouTube video Code
- Input address with Google Maps address to help you find any address
- Web File Manager powered by elFinder
- Lists with QR Code to pass clients or carts information directly to your mobile
- Lists with address of clients or carts orders
- Lists with routes of clients or carts orders (between your address and client address)
- Lists with codebar of products (if you want to use barcode scanner hardware)
- Lists with multiple deletes (you can delete multiples rows)
- Lists with export JSON XML CSV TXT SQL MS-Excel or PDF
- Lists with direct search and sort columns
- Editor powered by TinyMCE in descriptions inputs types
- Answer directly to your clients on clients carts or contacts module
- Duplicate rows easily
- Search in all CMS modules
- Display Advertisements for products found in YouTube
- Recover the deleted rows in recycle module
- Configure the settings in Settings module
- Administrate backups of all database
- Administrate and update scripts used in CMS Powered by https://www.jsdelivr.com
- See all history of modifications and see who did what, where and when
- This CMS also have a simple Shield that will redirect to another site (in this case google) after block 5 attempts access in same day
- Scan Barcodes with your web camera (powered by quagga)
- Import CVS files and adapt to your table in real time. You can also backup before import.
- Create new modules (simple module creation)
What You Get
This CMS It’s also prepared to create sites with some modules included and their databases
- Banners - Administrate banners of your site
- Brands - Administrate brands used on your site
- Carts - Administrate carts and products carts of your shop. You can also contact your clients directly
- Clients - Administrate clients registered on your site. You can also contact your clients directly
- Contacts - See and reply directly to your site contacts
- News - Administrate news and their categories
- Pages - Administrate static pages on your site
- Partners - Administrate partners of your site
- Products - Administrate your products and their categories
- Services - Administrate your services of your company
- Sliders - Administrate your homepage sliders and highlights
- Videos - Administrate your videos and their categories
PLUS - You can algo create your module!
Keep in mind that this is just CMS and it has been developed for you to have an CMS adapted to your projects in just some minutes. The main goal is you have your CMS ready faster for your client start to upload information while you are developing the front end.
I developed a way for you extract information directly in your tables in JSON format
For example:
- YOUR_URL/lib/returnData.php?table=products (will show all products with status=1 and delete=0)
- YOUR_URL/lib/returnData.php?table=products&filterLabel=id&filterID=1 (will show id=1 for products)
- YOUR_URL/lib/returnData.php?table=products&orderLabel=id&orderType=desc (will order products desc by id)
- YOUR_URL/lib/returnData.php?table=products&limit=2 (will limit results for 2)
- YOUR_URL/lib/returnData.php?table=products&limit=2&random (use random url attribute to random results)
What you need
For all scripts work on this CMS you'll need all these API KEYS.
I made an installation method to make your life easier. This’ll run if does not find config.php file in the CMS root folder. You can also force to run with this link YOUR_URL/lib/install/. In this demo you can try to run installation to see what you need https://www.serit.pt/docs/shop/hybridForms/lib/install
- Step 1 - Some server tests
- Step 2 - Database Connection - You need to test connection to proceed
- Step 3 - CMS main access
- Step 4 - All other configurations and API KEYS
- Step 5 - All modules you need to install on your CMS. You’ll need to check each Install to install the modules that you want
- Step 6 - See if all is fine. If yes, the button Finish’ll be enable
- After complete you’ll be redirected to login
The installation method’ll create config.php file and install all databases of modules that you choosed to instal for your CMS
Credits and Sources
We used Twitter Bootstrap v4.5 and CSS framework for this CMS.
All this CMS is based on simple demo Dashboard in https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.5/examples/dashboard/
If you need and help to configure this, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Demo site https://www.serit.pt/docs/shop/hybridForms
USER: codester
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PHP Script Installation Service
Don't worry about the installation of your script! Have your PHP Script installed for you.
$39 | Buy now |
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / CMS |
First release | 7 January 2021 |
Last update | 7 January 2021 |
Software version | PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3, PHP 7.4, PHP 5.x |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Tags | export, cms, import, hybrid |