Everse - Personal Portfolio TemplateEverse - Personal Portfolio Template
A two page, responsive and customizable template built with html, sass, and javscript.
Everse is a two page modern web template made with HTML, SASS and Javscript. Everything on the page, from colors to functionality is easily customizable. Along side the two main pages you will receive all of the individual components that make the pages. These components are reusable on other projects and are fully responsive.
Assets Used:
- Font AWesome
- Google Fonts
- Lorem Picsum images
- - 2 fully responsive and clean home pages
- - 20+ reusable components
- - Autoprefixed CSS files and source SASS files
- - Easy customization
- - 2 fully responsive and clean home pages
- 100% original vanilla javscript code (no frameworks or libraries used)
- Beautiful, modern design
- Frequently commented code