Exam System With Control PanelExam System With Control Panel
Exam System With Control Panel Using Laravel and Vue.js
Exam System With Control Panel
Exam System With Control Panel Using Laravel and Vue.js
this project divided into two sections (Exam System and Control Panel).
the first section which is the Control Panel is responsible for managing and control the website actions such as "users, roles, permissions, exams and questions" tables.
the second section is responsible for showing the available exams in this section the user can be take any available exam and then the questions for each exam shows when the user answers these questions the result page showing the result of the exam.
this project protect by laratrust middleware for adding roles and permissions to each user.
The features that is used in the project :
1- HTML5
2- CSS3
4- PHP7
you need to install and setup this programs to run the project :
- Xmapp server
- Composer
- Node.js
fter install and setup the required programs, we want to configure the project:
1- Open the cmd on the project
2- Run the command “composer install”
3- Run the command “npm install”
4- Run the command “copy .env.example .env”
5- Run the command “php artisan key:generate”
6- Open “localhost/phpmyadmin” in your browser then create new database “exam”
7- Open .env file the project folder then in the DB_DATABASE = exam
8- Come back to the command line and run “php artisan migrate”
9- Run the command line “php artisan db:seed”
10- Run the command line "php artisan serve"
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Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Polls |
First release | 13 December 2020 |
Last update | 15 December 2020 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Software framework | VueJS, Laravel |
JavaScript Framework | jQuery, Node.js |
Tags | html, php, bootstrap, css, MySQL, Javascript, web design, sass, laravel, web development, Vue.js |