Chartered Office - Office Management ScriptChartered Office - Office Management Script
Chartered Office is a platform where C.A, Auditors and Accountants can manage their ofice work and staff with this script.
Chartered Office - Office Management Script
Chartered Office is a platform where C.A, Auditors and Accountants can manage their ofice work an...
Chartered Office is a platform where C.A, Auditors and Accountants can manage their ofice work and staff with this script.
This script is created in Pure Core PHP, No any other Framework used. All tables is on jquery Ajax with pagination, no need to reload whole page to go for next page. Its Very Easy in use for user and Developer to change anything in this script, It has very light weight performance.
Chartered Office have 3 (Three role), 1St Admin, 2Nd Reception, 3Rd Accountant, Each user has different work permission with different role.
Admin Login Details:
User: [email protected]
Pass: 123
Reception Login Details:
User: [email protected]
Pass: 123
Accountant Login Details:
User: [email protected]
Pass: 123
Note: Before Login to Reception and Accountant, Please Add or Update your IP Address with Admin Account, In IP Address Section on Left side menu.
- Dashboard
- Doccuments Name
- Staff Management
- Clients Management
- Manage Client Doccuments
- Work Process
- Money Management
- Staff Attendance
- Staff Salary Management
- IP Address
- Update Profile
- Change Password
- Change Secure Pin
- Upload Avatar
- Refresh Table
- Accept Work
- Add Work
- Add /Edit Doccuments
- Reset Password
- Setup Database Connection
- Disabled right click.
- Disabled F12
- Disabled Inspect Element For security Reason.
- X-Mailer For Forget Password
- Role-> Reception and accountant Only Login From Their office Only.
Note: This All features have Add/Edit And Delete Features.
- PHP 5.xx or Greater
- Mysqli PHP
Admin can Add, Edit, Update and Delete. Admin have full permission to manage this App. Reception Can Add new work and doccuments, view client list, Doccuments which have been added by him/her. Accountant can see their work and work status which assigned by admin to him/her.
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Finance |
First release | 14 October 2016 |
Last update | 14 October 2016 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, Javascript .js |
Software version | PHP 5.x, PHP 5.0, PHP 5.1, PHP 5.2, PHP 5.3, PHP 5.4, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.6 |
Database | MySQL 4.x, MySQL 5.x |
Tags | php script, accounts, staff, client management, staff management, money management, office work, accountant, work management |