Pts LiftSupply - PrestaShop ThemePts LiftSupply - PrestaShop Theme
Pts Liftsupply is a creative Prestashop theme with dedicated design for Fashion, Sport store
Pts LiftSupply - PrestaShop Theme
Pts Liftsupply is a creative Prestashop theme with dedicated design for Fashion, Sport store
It is built with the best Prestashop drag and drop page builder. The theme includes incredible design concepts to show off your product the smartest way. The 360 Product View transforms your passive product display into an interactive engaging shopping display to view your product in 360°.
- The multipurpose Prestashop theme supports Megamenu & mobile menu, it is SEO friendly and clean codebase. The Pts Layer Slider module allows you build stunning slideshow for your site with tons of animations and content types support. The intuitive theme control panel that includes lots of useful options to manage your site. The
Live Theme Editor is TRULY MAGIC TOOL to customize theme with pre-defined parameters, no coding is required.
When selecting a hosting service, you should check to see that these
server requirements are provided and installed on their web servers:
- Supported operating system: Windows, Mac and Linux
- Wamp (for Windows) or Xampp (for Windows and Mac)
- PHP 5.1+ installed and enabled
- MySQL 5.0+ installed with a database created
PHP configuration:
- "memory_limit" should be at least "64M"
- "file_max_upload_size" to "16M"
- “allow_url_fopen” should be set to “on”
- "register global" should be set to "off"
- "safe_mode" should be set to "off"
Optional PHP extensions:
- GD
- SimpleXML
- Permissions for all files should be set to "664"
- Permissions for all folders should be set to "755"