Coming Soon Countdown TemplateComing Soon Countdown Template
Clean and elegant template to be the landing page of your website while it is under construction
Coming Soon Countdown Template
Clean and elegant template to be the landing page of your website while it is under construction
Clean and elegant template to be the landing page of your website while it is under construction, template built in HTML5 using css and javascript, responsive, easy to customize, beautifully animated.
- 10 diferent backgrounds
- Â Animated Countdown Timer
- Â Bootstrap Based
- Â Fully Responsive Design
- Â Cross Browser Compatibility
- Â Social Icons
- Â Google web fonts
- Â FontAwesome icons
- Â Well structured and commented code
- Â Easily customizable
- Â Well Guided Documentation
- HTML5/CSS3 Based
Page setup instructions
- To set the time limit for the timmer
Open the inde.html file with a text editor to scroll to the end of the file and change the codes:
 config = {
     countdown: {
       year: 2050,
       month: 09,
       day: 19,
       hour: 20,
       minute: 46,
       second: 00
Change the year, month, day, hour, minute and second fields to the date on which your website will be launched.
- To change the background image
Open the custom.css file inside the css folder and edit the line at the beginning of the file
 background-image: url ("../ img / bg.jpg");
bg.jpg is the name of image to be used at the background of the page.
Note: all background images are located in the img folder.
Other items by this author
Category | Themes / HTML / Under Construction |
First release | 20 August 2020 |
Last update | 20 August 2020 |
Files included | .css, .html, Javascript .js |
Tags | responsive, business, creative, elegant, html template, coming soon, under construction, count down, Mobile Template |