Elite-XL - Excel Importer Joomla ExtensionElite-XL - Excel Importer Joomla Extension
This is a unique tool to mass import articles from any Excel sheet into Joomla!
This is a unique tool (probably in the world)
- Article IDÂ > Not editable. If empty will auto-create new one. If you edit it, it will brake the article!
- Article title > Editable / Mandatory
- Alias > Editable. If empty will auto-create it based on Article title.
- Category > Editable / Mandatory / If not existing - will be created
- Content > Editable / Can be left empty
- Image > Editable > Intro Image is the same as Full Article Image Example: images/stories/YOUR-IMAGE.jpg * the image must exists on given path, else..will show a missing image icon.
- Tags > Editable / Can be left empty
- Published > Editable / Can be left empty / Example: Y or N
- Featured > Editable / Can be left empty / Example: Y or N
- Start publishing > Editable / Can be left empty Example: 05/25/2015
- Finish Publishing > Editable / Can be left empty Example: Never
- Meta Description > Editable / Can be left empty
- Meta Keywords > Editable / Can be left empty
The package contains:
- Component
- Plugin (must be activated after installing)
- Library