Mobile Recharge - PHP ScriptMobile Recharge - PHP Script
Send TopUp for Any someone around the world - Black Friday Sale (just 4$)

Mobile Recharge - PHP Script
Send TopUp for Any someone around the world - Black Friday Sale (just 4$)

New Version ( Comming Soon )
Send TopUp for Any someone around the world - Black Friday Sale (just 4$)
These files, which represent a complete integrated website, can be used by sending a portable credit balance to many different countries around the world. This site covers more than 600 mobile operators around the world. You can provide commission for each available operator. You will first need to create your account on Reloadly To view and play user functions. This will help you better on how to use these files to provide this service
Main Libraries: Use Free
- jQuery Js
- Select2 JS
- Bootstrap 4
- Fontawsome 5
- Datatable Js
- Datatable Buttons Js
- JsDelivr Js
- OverlayScrollbars Js
- Cairo Font
Main Features:
- Send TopUp for Any someone around the world
- Send credit to someone around the world
- Supports more than 600 mobile operators around the world
- Earn a commission each time using a mobile credit recharge
- Simple User Interface
- Support Seo
- Payments Gateway: PayPal
- Better usability
- Work faster & more efficiently
- Invoice on Orders with custom Templates
- Companies, Countries, Users, TopUps
- Generate PDF
- Generate Excel
- Generate CSV
- Generate Print
- Reload
- Reset
- Smart Search
- Smart Delete
- Smart Edit
- Smart Create
- Beautiful Design
- Mobile Responsive
- Bootstrap 4 Framework
- Well Documented
- Custom Settings
Request feature for next update
Hello, If you notice problems or want help You can call me or send a message to me and I will reply to you soon.
Demo Link: https://recharge.trsian.com
Demo Link Control Panel: https://recharge.trsian.com
Live Demo Credentials
Admin: [email protected] / 123123123
For SupportÂ
Recharge Mobile Top Up
Main Features:
- Send TopUp for Any someone around the world
- Send credit to someone around the world
- Supports more than 600 mobile operators around the world
- Earn a commission each time using a mobile credit recharge
- Simple User Interface
- Support Seo
- Payments Gateway: PayPal
- Better usability
- Work faster & more efficiently
- Invoice on Orders with custom Templates
- Companies, Countries, Users, TopUps
- Generate PDF
- Generate Excel
- Generate CSV
- Generate Print
- Reload
- Reset
- Smart Search
- Smart Delete
- Smart Edit
- Smart Create
- Beautiful Design
- Mobile Responsive
- Bootstrap 4 Framework
- Well Documented
- Custom Settings
Apache, nginx, or another compatible web server.
PHP >= 7.2.5 >> Higher
MySQL Database server
PDO PHP Extension
OpenSSL PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension
Exif PHP Extension
Fileinfo Extension
XML PHP Extension
Ctype PHP Extension
JSON PHP Extension
Tokenizer PHP Extension
Module Re_write server
PHP_CURL Module Enable
Recharge Mobile Top Up
Recharge Mobile Top Up Doc
- Get Started    Â
- Configuration    Â
- Create Account On Reloadly    Â
- Installation    Â
- More
Get Started
These files, which represent a complete integrated website, can be used by sending a portable credit balance to many different countries around the world.
This site covers more than 600 mobile operators around the world. You can provide commission for each available operator.
You will first need to create your account on Reloadly
To view and play user functions. This will help you better on how to use these files to provide this service.
First: Unzip the .zip files Second: After decompressing the files, there are two folders - (the documentation folder - the original files folder for the project). Third: If you do not know how to install the files, proceed to the documentation folder. Fourth: It contains all the files in the project folder. You uploaded these files to the private path for a project in your Cpanel hosting. You accessed the project files via your official website link.  Â
Create Account On Reloadly
1- go to <a href="www.reloadly.com"><b>Reloadly</b></a> website. 2- Click On Start Now Button.     Â
3- Fill All requied Inputs and Click Sign Up. 4- Go To Login Page And Log in using your email and password.
5- Run The Test Mode For Try The Service and not take Money.
5- Click On My Wallet and Add Balance . 6- You Can use Free Card Number To test In Test Mode.
7- Click On Developers Page. 8- You Can Read DOCS and How To Use The Service. 9- You Can Copy API Client ID. 10- You Can Copy API Client Secret.    Â
Installation Â
In code programming, clean code standards are used
1- After Copy API Client ID and API Client Secret. 2- Open Control Panel. 3- And Go To Settings Page. 4- Fill API Client ID and Fill API Client Secret in inputs. 5- Active Test Mode. 6- Put The Test Mode and Live Model Urls. Can Copy In <a href=""><b>Reloadly" class="redactor-linkify-object">www.reloadly.com"><b>Reloadly</b></b></a><b><b> </b>website.</b>
1- Open .env File In Main Directory From Files. 2- Change APP_Name. 3- Change APP_KEY use php artisan key:generate in CMD. 4- Change APP_URL. 5- Change DB_DATABASE. 6- Change DB_USERNAME. 8- Change DB_PASSWORD. 9- Change Mail Acoount.
1- Change Paypal Account Live Mode | Test Mode.
1- Add Value and Pricing (ADD Packages).    Â
More     Â
If you notice problems or want help
You can call me or send a message to me and I will reply to you soon.
1 month agombemba PurchasedRating:This is framework laravel not native php script.
Money thrown out the window.
Product Misleading. Do not buy.
The platform is complicit
PHP Script Installation Service
Don't worry about the installation of your script! Have your PHP Script installed for you.
$39 | Buy now |
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Miscellaneous |
First release | 26 June 2020 |
Last update | 26 June 2020 |
Software version | PHP 7.0, PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2, PHP 7.3, PHP 7.4 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .less, .sql, Javascript .js |
Database | MySQL 4.x, MySQL 5.x |
Tags | recharge, credit, payment system |