My Firebase Chat - Android Source CodeMy Firebase Chat - Android Source Code
Support Android 11 - Ultmiate and Professional app to Realtime chat with your friends

My Firebase Chat - Android Source Code
Support Android 11 - Ultmiate and Professional app to Realtime chat with your friends

Great News! This app supports Android 11 as well.
My Firebase Chat app is purely developed using the Native Android Language. This is also known as a real-time chatting app between two people using the Firebase Database. The app has premium features that enhance the user experience. Users can send messages, files, and voice; be able to see online or offline status; type indicators; support emojis; and display date/time-wise messages.
This app uses Firebase as a backend part. There was no use of any third-party admin panel or backend(PHP, Java, or any other framework). The source code is very easy to understand, customize, and re-skin the app for their personal use.
NOTE: Chats will be deleted weekly basis from Demo APK. Just make sure to use your own Firebase Account for those who purchase.

Native Android App
- NO need to buy an external server/host plan, you can deploy it to Firebase Servers
- App Intro and Take a Tour
- User Login(Firebase-based authentication system)
- Gmail Sign In
- User Registration
- Group Chatting between multiple users
- One-to-One chatting app
- Send File(Documents, Video, Audio, Location, Contact, Images)
- Voice Recording
- Emoji Supported
- Group Admin restriction for sending Messages (Same as WhatsApp)
- Block/Unblock User
- Privacy Settings(Users hide their Email and Profile Picture)
- Profile View
- Fast Scrolling in User list by Alphabets order
- Unread counter for chats
- Online/Offline Status
- Search by Filters (Online/Offline, Gender, and Profile Picture)
- Typing Indicator
- Sent and Read Status
- User search
- Play tone while sending a message
- Add Status(About) from Profile
- Manage profile
- Delete Account including chats and group history
- Push notification
- AdMob Integration
- Android Studio
- Java >= 8
New Updates (Changelogs)
Version 2.1 (20 July, 2022)
- [Added] Latest Android version - [Added] Gmail Sign In options - [Added] Block & Unblock User option - [Added] Privacy Settings(Hide Email and Profile Picture) - [Improve] New member list while creating group, Easy to click to add/remove - [Improve] Male/Female & Online/Offline option change the logic - [Improve] Logic and code optimization
Version 2.0 (11 Aug, 2021)
- [Added] Androidx supported - [Added] Android 11 support as well. - [Added] Send files as an attachment - [Added] Document Supported: doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pdf, epub, txt, zip - [Added] Video Format Supported: AVI, MOV, MP4, WebM, 3gp, MKV, Mpeg - [Added] Music Format Supported: AAC, AMR, AWB, Mp3, Mp4, Ogg, Wav, opus - [Added] Voice Recording (Same as WhatsApp; Slide to Cancel) - [Added] Location Sharing (Move Map application when clicking on it) - [Added] Contact Sharing - [Added] Download attachment when someone sends it(Supported Android 11 as well) - [Added] Emoji supported - [Added] Only Admin can send messages(Either All Participants or Only Admin; Same as WhatsApp) - [Added] App Intro for the first time when opening the app - [Added] Take a tour from the Settings menu - [Added] The profile view is the same as in WA. - [Added] New filter to search: With Picture or Without Picture - [Added] Easy scrolling during users and adding new groups screen. - [Added] Revised Profile Tab for changing avatar - [Improve] Login/Register UI minor change - [Improve] Logic and code optimization
Version 1.3 (01 Feb, 2020)
- [Added] RTL Support - [Added] Edit Group(Only Admin can delete) - [Added] Remove a member from the group - [Added] Delete Group(Only Admin can delete) - [Added] Clear own chats from the group and individual chats. - [Added] Send an image through Chat - [Added] Upload an image to be used as a group icon. - [Added] View image inside chats as you zoom in/out. - [Added] Notification received as image as well - [Added] New Setting Menu with On/Off options
Version 1.2 (12 Dec, 2019)
- [Bug] Image Cropper bug solved for Android ver >= 28 - [Improve] Auto solve the mismatch version error with the help of code in the build.gradle file.
Version 1.1 (06 Dec, 2019)
- [Added] Groups Chat between multiple people - [Added] Show participants inside groups and display who is the admin. - [Added] Show the Unread message counter in the CHATS tab - [Added] Latest conversions display first in the CHATS and GROUPS tabs. - [Added] Long Press to delete conversion with users from the CHATS tab - [Added] Image Cropper Added in Profile - [Added] Gender selection on startup if not specified earlier - [Added] Add your status(about) from Profile and show that about on each user in the USERS tab. - [Added] Filter by online/offline status and gender. - [Added] Send a message to play tone the same as WhatsApp - [Added] Delete your account, including chats and groups. - [Improve] Change Search more powerfully. Search by characters. - [Improve] Move image loader to another library to speed up loading. - [Improve] Logic and code optimization
Please refer to the document for more details.
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Category | App Templates / Android / Applications / Chat |
First release | 28 May 2020 |
Last update | 12 September 2022 |
Operating Systems | Android 7.0, Android 8.0, Android 9.0, Android 10.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | .html, Layered .png, .apk, .java, .xml |
Tags | chat, video, audio, message, Group, location, privacy, settings, voice, firebase, unblock, typing indicator |