ShopClub eCommerce UI Kit - Android KotlinShopClub eCommerce UI Kit - Android Kotlin
E-Commerce UI is android native design with modern design trends.
ShopClub eCommerce UI Kit - Android Kotlin
E-Commerce UI is android native design with modern design trends.
ShopClub is android(Kotlin) native application design
for E-commerce with modern design trends. ShopClub UI kit can be save
your time to code all Front end layout. Easy to connect with your back
We continue to add new things to make our template more
beautiful and strong every day to give multiple screens options. You
will be free to use all our updates.
Template Features
Project developed in Android-x Kotlin(SDK 29) which is android latest version.
Compatible with all android phone and tables.
Customizable Fonts & Colors.
Professional and Creative Design.
Every page is fully layered and organised with proper names.
Clear and Clean Layout.
Tools Used for development:
- Kotlin Framework
- Constraint layout and material widgets
- Navigation graph
- MVVM architecture
- Dagger 2
- Room database, LiveData & ViewModel
- Retrofit2
Install latest version of android studio and JDK.
1. Import project
2. Change package name
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Category | App Templates / Android / UI Kits |
First release | 3 April 2020 |
Last update | 3 April 2020 |
Tags | e-commerce, online store, medicine, kotlin |