Your professional ID cardYour professional ID card
ID card template
Your professional ID card
ID card template
This is a ID card template made for business and personal use.
- Easy to use and edit
- Flat, clean and unique
- Font is Lato and main colors are #fbec5d, #6b3e26
- Size:Â 8,9 x 5,1 cm
- 300 Resolution
- Ready for Print
- 1 PSD file (Front page of ID card)
Adobe Photoshop
- Open and edit your information such as:Â your name, business position, company name, your company ID number, company website, your business email and your phone number or fax.
- Replace to your photo or company logo, smart object is included. Recommended size of photo is 200x200 px.
- Save file for print.
Note:Â We don't accept cancelation and money back. If you don't know how to use Photoshop for basics, please educate yourself by searching on YouTube for example. Thank you.
This sale pack is only available on Codester. 2020., All rights reserved | Cadence group | cadencegroup.rf.gd