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Dingdong - Game GUI PackDingdong - Game GUI Pack
DingDong is a complete GUI pack for your next best seller games!Home / Graphics / Game Assets / Interface

Dingdong - Game GUI Pack
DingDong is a complete GUI pack for your next best seller games!
DINGDONG is a complete GUI Kit for your next best seller game.
With colorful, eye-candy & cartoony style, perfect for any kind of casual games in many categories such as puzzle, match-three, tower defense, platformer, item collections, any kids games, etc…
- 20 game icons
- Buttons, sliders, and progress bars
- Badges, ribbons, and navigation bars
- Title styles
- Pre-made popups
- All customizable and resizeable
- Layered psd files and well organized
- Available in retina resolution
- Using free fonts
- Dingdong_Badges.psd
- Dingdong_Buttons.psd
- Dingdong_Character.psd
- Dingdong_Icons.psd
- Dingdong_Level.psd
- Dingdong_NavBars.psd
- Dingdong_Paused.psd
- Dingdong_ProgressBars.psd
- Dingdong_Store.psd
- Dingdong_Title.psd
*Each in normal and retina resolution
Adobe Photoshop required