Product Countdown Timer - Upcoming for WooCommerceProduct Countdown Timer - Upcoming for WooCommerce
A fantastic plugin to promote your sale campaigns in WooCommerce
Product Countdown Timer - Upcoming for WooCommerce
A fantastic plugin to promote your sale campaigns in WooCommerce
You are having a plan to sell your products but it is not yet available, but you still want to promote your products soon so that more people know.
A fantastic plugin to promote your sale campaigns in WooCommerce. Sale countdown and sale interval scheduling based on any logic with personalizing possibility.
It shows a countdown box with the product on sale, to tell your customer how much time they have left to purchase your product.
You can customize Countdown Clock color, fontsize, and 3 different styles.
Very easy and convenient, if there are any questions do not hesitate to contact me.
Version: 1.0 – Last updated: 2019, May 22
Compatible with Wordpress 3.x, Wordpress 4.x, Wordpress 5.x, WooCommerce 2.x, WooCommerce 3.x
Browsers: IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
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Category | Plugins / WooCommerce |
First release | 7 January 2020 |
Last update | 7 January 2020 |
Supported CMS | WordPress 4.4, WordPress 4.3, WordPress 4.2, , WordPress 4.0, , , WooCommerce 2.5.x, WooCommerce 2.6.x, WordPress 4.5, WordPress 4.6, WordPress 4.7, WooCommerce 2.7.x, WooCommerce 3.0.x, WooCommerce 2.8.x, WooCommerce 2.9.x, WordPress 4.8, WordPress 4.9, WordPress 5.0 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, Javascript .js |
Tags | Timer, Countdown, countdown timer |