NT Genisu – Wordpress Insurance Company ThemeNT Genisu – Wordpress Insurance Company Theme
NT Genisu Responsive WordPress theme designed especially for insurance company.
NT Genisu Responsive WordPress theme designed especially for insurance company. This theme can help you expand your business online. It helps you develop your website’s look and feel, then promote and establish a brand for it . Moreover, it makes the insurance tools & resources more appealing to visitors and increase sales with elegant design. NT Genisu makes your sites ready to display on any mobile and tablet version with 100% responsive layout, clean and stylish. It comes with unlimited color and a color picker in the admin panel. It builds from powerful framework with fully bootstrap supporting strong shortcodes, drag-drop layout content, Bootstrap CSS & Hybrid framework.
100% design in template supports mobile/tablet devices, it means you have good layout and style in mobile/tablet devices instead of using default layout on the desktop. So, your customers can easy to observe your products and the contents of your website on their phones or tablets. - STRONG DRAG-DROP CONTENT WITH LAYERSWP
With LayersWP embed framework in our template, you can easy to create content by drag-drop, it’s very simple without coding skills. By removing endless design options and features, Layers provides you with just enough choice to create a beautiful site while still maintaining the fundamentals of good design.
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