Word Guess - iOS Game Source CodeWord Guess - iOS Game Source Code
Word Guess is a fun, challenging and highly addictive word game.
Word Guess - iOS Game Source Code
Word Guess is a fun, challenging and highly addictive word game.
Word Guess is a fun, challenging and highly addictive word game. Word Guess support all iOS devices + Level Editor, you can easily create your own unique levels right from your iPhone/ iPad devices, template also support in-Game Store and Third party Ad SDKS. This template is clone of WordBubbles game https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/wordbubbles!/id922488002? mt=8
- Game Description
- Template made in Xcode/Cocos2d 3.49 using Objective-C language
- Level Editor
- iOS Universal App
- In-Game Store
- Ads SDKs (Chartboost, AdMob)
Game Play
Swipe up, down, across and diagonally to connect letter circles and build hidden words.
- Xcode
All configurable settings inside one WGConfigs.h file
How to create new Levels
1. Create new levels from your device
2. Send newly created level to your email
3. Download levels from your email
4. Replace new levels with old one
you can easily turn off/on level editor mode by setting K_LEVEL_EDITOR_MODE macro inside WGConfigs .h file to 0/1
Full Video demonstration how to use Level Editor