Emerald CV - WordPress Resume ThemeEmerald CV - WordPress Resume Theme
Emerald CV is a WordPress Resume theme that offers unlimited styling and customization by its powerful live preview customizer.
Emerald CV is a stylish WordPress Resume theme that offers unlimited styling and customization by it's powerful live preview customizer. It is a canvas that lets you build virtually anything. It's flexible live preview customizer enables you to create a unique & fantastic website in a few minutes.
It's definitely an All-In-One package for everyone who is looking to create a resume website with WordPress.
ThemeTarget Massive Customizer has dozen of new exciting & outstanding features that combines theme options with the ability to real live preview. Amazing live preview customizer helps you create your website really fast and surprising easy.

Check out our theme and discover why it is the best.You can build your unique website surprising easily and really fast with our unlimited colors and options. Emerald CV is the best choice for the beginners and professionals.
Let's experience this awesomeness and explore more features in this theme. We are sure that you will fall in love with our Emerald CV at first sight.
Want to learn more? We hardly recommend you watching this video that shows you how Emerald CV Massive Live Preview Customizer works in action. Let's go!

Emerald CV WordPress Theme – Overview
- Retina Ready
- Fully Responsive
- Fully Customizable
- Boxed or Wide Layout
- Compatible with Wordpress 4.4.1
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3
- jQuery Enhancement
- Based on Bootstrap 3.3.5
- Clean and 100% Valid Code (Developer Friendly)
- SEO Optimized
- Translation Ready (.po, .mo and .pot files included)
- Easy setup
- Massive Live Preview Customizer including 825+ Powerful Customization Options with Translation ready feature
- Amazing 5 background layers for each section (Background Color, Background Gradient, Background Image, Background Color Overlay & Background Gradient Overlay)
- User friendly and beautiful design
- Typography include over 728+ Google Font
- 436+ Unique handpicked Icon Font
- 43+ Social Profile
- Incredible Support and Development
- Great Documentation and Video Tutorial
- Easily 3 click demo import
- Customizable Google Map
- Add custom CSS/JS Feature
- Extremely Optimized for Speed
- Custom User Friendly 404 Error Page (including HomePage Link, Stylish Search Form and Latest Blog Posts in an elegant View)
- Supports 5 blog post formats (Standard, Video, Audio, Quote & Gallery)
- 4 Selectable different hover effects for social icons
- 6 Great Fully Customizable Custom Post Types (Portfolio, Education, Skill, Experience, Testimonial & Counter)
- Amazing Optional Animation for each Custom Post Type Section
- Supports Multi Page Post, Page & Portfolio!
- Native Image Resize and Thumbnail Generator (Retina Support)
- Easily specify the number of items per page and automatic pagination
- Enable comments on Portfolio Posts
- Works perfectly with all browsers
- Optional custom ThemeTarget modern search feature
- Utilize dozen of navigation options including color, size, positioning, typography and much more separately for primary navigation & mobile navigation
- WordPress menu support
- Limitless level menu
- Quick and easy mobile navigation
- Choosing & Setting different navigation options (Primary navigation menu or Mobile navigation menu) for different screen sizes feature
- Sticky option for primary navigation & mobile navigation menus
- Multiple unique portfolio options that supports audio, video (social audio/video and Self-Hosted audio/video) and image gallery that supports unlimited number of images
- Supports Threaded comments
- Minified JavaScript files for increased performance, we provide un-compressed version if you want to tweak functionality
- Powerful admin panel
- Custom HomePage page template
- Built-in contact form 7 compatible contact form with validations & gmap integration
- Optional integrated Google Maps section with dozen of options (including fancy custom map style)
- Eye-catching modern animation for contact form & comment form fields & submit button
Admin Panel
- Support 5 different post formats (Standard, Video, Audio, Quote & Gallery)
Video post format
- Support Social video ( including Blip, Flickr (video), Hulu, TED, Vimeo, Vine, WordPress.tv & YouTube)
- Support Self-Hosted video (including MP4, WebM, Ogg formats and video poster image)
Audio post format
- Support social audio (including Mixcloud, Rdio, SoundCloud & Spotify)
- Support Self-Hosted audio (including MP3, WAV, Ogg formats and audio poster image)
Video post format
- Emerald CV brings you 6 built-in custom post-types (including: Education, Skill, Experience, Portfolio, Counter, Testimonial)
Education Post Type Options
An Education post-type explains about one of your education periods. In this post-type you can set School, Date Attended, Status, Field of Study, Description for each education period. Also you can change the appearance of education items via the live preview customizer and see the result immediately!
Skill Post Type Options
A Skill post-type displays your skills in a fancy view with pie-chart. In this post-type you can set Skill Title and Skill Percent for each of your skills. Also you can change the appearance of skills items such as pie-chart’s bar color, skill title text color and skill percent text color via the live preview customizer.
Experience Post Type Options
An Experience post-type explains about one of your job experiences. In this post-type you can set Company Name, Job Title, Time Period and Description for each job experience. Also you can change the appearance of job experience items via the live preview customizer and see the result immediately!
Portfolio Post Type Options
Portfolio post-type Displays your portfolio items, and supports video, audio & image gallery
- Video portfolio item
- Supports social video (including Blip, Flickr (video), Hulu, TED, Vimeo, Vine, WordPress.tv & YouTube)
- Supports Self-Hosted video (including MP4, WebM, Ogg formats and video poster image)
- Audio portfolio item
- Supports social audio (including Mixcloud, Rdio, SoundCloud & Spotify)
- Supports Self-Hosted audio (including MP3, wav, Ogg formats and audio poster image)
- Image Gallery
- Supports unlimited number of images (with capability to reorder them)
Portfolio item’s content (on portfolio item’s click) can be displayed in 3 different ways: Ajax fullscreen popup, open in current page & open in new window. This mode can be set via live preview customizer.
- Video portfolio item
Counter Post Type Options
Counter post-type presents every subjects that you can count them (e.g. number of your satisfied clients, number of your staffs, number of your done projects, etc.). You can set Counter Number, Counter Title and Counter Icon fields for each counter item. Also you can change the appearance of counter items via the live preview customizer and see the result immediately!
Testimonial Post Type Options
Testimonial post-type displays what your clients or coworkers tell about you. Each testimonial items includes Speaker Name, Speaker Profession, Speaker Image and his/her Quote. Also you can change the appearance of testimonial items via the live preview customizer and see the result immediately!
Education Post Type Options
- 100% compatible with Contact Form 7 (Custom Contact Form 7 style is included)
- Emerald CV is based on WordPress Coding Standards and WordPress Best Practices, so it’s compatible with most of WordPress plugins.
- Built-in custom recent post widget with thumbnail support
- Wordpress menu support
- Built-in custom HomePage Sections panel in menu section of WordPress admin dashboard
- Option to set different menus for primary navigation and mobile navigation
- Limitless level menu
Massive Live Preview Customizer
- RGBA color picker for setting page elements’ color, background color and etc.
- Amazing Mix Blending option to specify how the elements should blend with each other visually like what you can do in Adobe Photoshop without the need of any prerequisite, extra plugin or coding skill! This option supports: Normal, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Darken, Lighten, Color Dodge, Color Burn, Hard Light, Soft Light, Difference, Exclusion, Hue, Saturation, Color and Luminosity blending modes.
- Ability to Show/Hide and reorder HomePage sections in real time via live preview customizer just with drag & drop (as you can see in the video tutorial that presented above)
- Set Typography option for all text elements including font family (728+ unique google fonts), font size, font weight, letter spacing, line height, font style, text transform and font variant.
- 436+ Unique handpicked icon fonts
- Option to set border color and corner's radius for Profile image & blog post comment author’s images separately.
- Optional custom color for section title’s first letter (as you can see in our demo)
- Optional amazing animation for each section of HomePage
- Optional 3 awesome hover animation for social icons
- Supports 43+ social profiles (facebook, twitter, googleplus, linkedin, xing, yelp, foursquare, youtube, vimeo, vine, lastfm, rdio, soundcloud, spotify, instagram, deviantart, flickr, fivehundredpx, dribbble, behance, forrst, github, stackoverflow, stackexchange, codepen, jsfiddle, slideshare, tumblr, wordpress, joomla, drupal, blogger, yahoo, pinterest, reddit, stumbleupon, delicious, digg, steam, twitch, vk, renren & custom rss feed link )
- Option to adding limitless Custom JS & Custom CSS codes with live preview
- Export & Import feature for all settings of live preview customizer
- Option to add/remove and reorder the widgets of all widgetized areas with live preview customizer
- Powerful & flexible 26+ background setting for each background layer-sets (all homepage sections plus main body in boxed layout and all pages' header & footer)
- 5 Different background layers include:
- Background color layer (RGBA)
- Background gradient layer (including first color, second color, gradient angel and mix blending options)
- background image layer includes:
- Image file
- Image opacity
- Background attachment (scroll, fixed)
- Background size (auto, cover, contain)
- Background position
- Background repeat
- Mix blending options
- Blur effect (as much as you desire)
- Brightness effect (as much as you desire)
- Contrast effect (as much as you desire)
- Grayscale effect (as much as you desire)
- Hue rotate effect (as much as you desire)
- Invert effect (as much as you desire)
- Saturate effect (as much as you desire)
- Sepia effect (as much as you desire)
- Background color overlay layer (including RGBA color and mix blending options)
- Background gradient overlay layer (including first color, second color,gradient angel and mix blending options)
- Boxed and Wide layouts
You can set Typography options for all text elements and change
them with live preview (Body general font, H1-H6 heading, header,
footer, sidebar, quote, link, title/subtitle/description of all sections
and etc.).
This options include:
- Font family (728+ unique google fonts)
- Font size
- Font weight
- Letter spacing
- Line height
- Font style
- Text transform
- Font variant
- Height of the map
- Longitude and Latitude of desired location with live preview
- Zoom level of the map
- Selectable 4 Different google map types: road map, satellite, hybrid, terrain
- 2 Different selectable map styles (Emerald CV’s custom map style and google map’s default style)
- 4 map marker options (no marker, google’s default map marker, Emerald CV’s custom map marker and your custom map marker image that can be upload directly via live preview customizer)
- Optional map information box display (on mouse hover, on mouse click, always display, never display)
- Map drag option
- Map scroll wheel option
- Map pan control display option
- Map zoom control display option
- Map street view control display option
- Choosing & Setting different navigation options (Primary navigation menu or Mobile navigation menu) for different screen sizes.
- Sticky option for primary navigation & mobile navigation menus
- Custom menu Height for primary navigation & mobile navigation menus separately
- Custom typography, position and color settings for menu items , logo image and logo text of each navigation menus (primary navigation & mobile navigation) separately
- Selectable 2 Different logo types (text logo & image logo) for each navigation menu (primary navigation & mobile navigation) with complete typography options
- Eye-catching ThemeTarget modern search feature with amazing blur & color overlay effect
- Optional modern search icon in main navigation menu
Please Note: Images, videos and audios in the theme demo are not part of the theme and not included with the theme.
Category | Themes / WordPress / Resume |
First release | 10 January 2016 |
Last update | 10 January 2016 |
Supported CMS | WordPress 4.4, WordPress 4.3, WordPress 4.2, , WordPress 4.0, |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, Javascript .js |
Tags | wordpress, responsive, clean, creative, modern, one page, portfolio, cv, resume, skills, personal, elegant, blog, professional, customizer |