DinoAR Dinosaurs - Augmented Reality App Kit UnityDinoAR Dinosaurs - Augmented Reality App Kit Unity
DinoAR Dinosaurs is an Augmented Reality application kit that present Dinosaurs 3D Models Using Vuforia in Unity.
DinoAR Dinosaurs - Augmented Reality App Kit Unity
DinoAR Dinosaurs is an Augmented Reality application kit that present Dinosaurs 3D Models Using V...
DinoAR Dinosaurs is an Augmented Reality application kit that present Dinosaurs 3D Models Using Vuforia in Unity.
What You Get:
- Full Unity Source Code
- Documentation
- DinoAR Cards
We are not responsible for any changes in the source code that you do. We are not responsible for all the decisions of Apple or Google, on the approval of your application to be placed in the digital stores. We are in no way affiliated with Apple and Google, and can not influence the decision of the moderators of these companies. All changes, additions to the application you are doing only at your own risk. We are not responsible for third-party frameworks, third-party platform, which can be used in the application. For support, please contact the authors of third-party services / frameworks
- 7 Animation 3D Dinosaur models (Ceratausaurus, T-rex, Paluxysaurus, Velociraptor, Spinosaurus, Allosaurus, Pterosaur)
- Dinosaur information panel
- Dinosaur sounds
- Dinosaur videos
- Support Unity 2019.1.7f1 (easy to build for Android and iOS …)
- Easy to customize
- Google Admob integrated
- Vuforia used for AR
- User Guide
- Requires Unity 2019.1.7f1 or higher versions
- Xcode to build for IOS
- Android Studio to build for Android
- Please read the documentation for instruction on how to setup and reskin. Documentation is located at the path. Thanks.
Other items by this author
Category | App Templates / Unity / Templates / Educational |
First release | 30 June 2019 |
Last update | 30 June 2019 |
Files included | .h, .m, .apk, .unityproj, .prefab, .fbx |
Tags | ar, augmented reality app, augmented reality app kit, ar dinosaur |