Prime - School Fees Management SystemPrime - School Fees Management System
School fees management system, manage fees heads, students, schools, classes, sections, session, staff users, deposit fees, report

Prime - School Fees Management System
School fees management system, manage fees heads, students, schools, classes, sections, session, ...

Demo link:
The Prime Fees Management System is an online fees management system which has 2 types of users (Super Admin, Admin (Deposit Fee Access or View Reports Access)). Every user have own role like super admin can manage entire application features while a deposit fees access user can search & view information and fee deposit features. Super admin can manage (add / update / delete / search) students, schools, classes, sections, sessions, fee deposit management, reports, records backup, student's shifting to section, promoting to next session and more other useful features.
Youtube video link:
1) Login / Forgot Password
2) Dashboard
3) Masters
   a) Students
   b) Fees
   c) Schools
   d) Classes
   e) Sections
   f) Sessions
   g) Users & Roles: Full permission, Fee deposit access only, View reports access)
4) Fees manager
   a) Quick student entry
   b) Deposit Fee
   c) Reprint Receipt
   d) Edit Receipt (cancel receipt / update deposited amount)
   e) View Fee
5) Reports
   a) Date wise fee deposited report (export to excel)
   b) Date & Class wise receipt report (export to excel)
   c) Class wise due fee report (export to excel)
   d) New students report (export to excel)
6) Misc.
   a) Backup records
   b) Section shifting
   c) Shifting to next session
7) Update Profile
8) Change Password
9) Logout
10) Other powerful features:
   a) 100% Responsive - Compatible With Desktop, Laptop, Mobile and iPad Devices
   b) Developed in Latest Laravel 5.7 Version and Technology
   c) Bootstrap Framework
   d) HTML5 and CSS3 Validation
   e) Cross Browser Compatible
   f) Clean & Commented Code
   g) Easy to Customize
   h) Font-Awesome fonts
   i) Well Documented
   j) 24/7 Awesome Support
Linux Apache 2.4 server
PHP version 7.2
PHP modules: GD, htaccess, mysqli, curl, mbstring and other standard extensions should be enabled
Mysql version: 5.7
Disk space on server: 200 MB minimum
RAM: 512 MB minimum
1) Make sure your server is fulfilling above minimum requirements
2) Unzip code zip file in public_html folder on server
3) Create a new database on server and import 'prime-fms-db.sql' file, available in 'database' folder
4) Open '.env' file, available at root level of directory and update below credentials as per your domain:
   a) APP_URL
   b) DB_DATABASE (this is database name, you created on server)
   c) DB_USERNAME (this is database username, you created on server)
   d) DB_PASSWORD (this is database password, you created on server)
   e) MAIL_HOST (your mail host name eg. mail.example.com)
   f) MAIL_PORT (your mail port eg. 26 or 25 or 2525)
   g) MAIL_USERNAME (your mail email id eg. [email protected])
   h) MAIL_PASSWORD (your mail password eg. abc123456)
   i) MAIL_ENCRYPTION (your mail encryption method eg. tls or ssl)
5) Open 'config/database.php' file and update database name, username and password credentials same as you added in .env file
'mysql' => [
      'driver' => 'mysql',
      'host' => env('DB_HOST', ''),
      'port' => env('DB_PORT', '3306'),
      'database' => env('DB_DATABASE', '--add--database--name--here--'),
      'username' => env('DB_USERNAME', '--add--database--username--here--'),
      'password' => env('DB_PASSWORD', '--add--database--password--here--'),
      'unix_socket' => env('DB_SOCKET', ''),
      'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
      'collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci',
      'prefix' => '',
      'prefix_indexes' => true,
      'strict' => false,
      'engine' => null,
Note: Refund will not be applicable if you download product script's zip file once.
Have a great day!
Jul 1, 2023omjadhav3714 PurchasedRating:
Apr 14, 2021Mian3 PurchasedRating:I have purchased the code and its have lot of bugs even is not based on laravel framework . Developer converted it to laravel but its not fully converted. Suggest you all don,t buy it
Never Buy its waste on money and waste on time only
my recomendacións for codester team please remove this script from site
if you want proofs of fake and converted scrpit i can prove it that its not working properly and developers unable to fix bugs -
Aug 21, 2019AtampsTV PurchasedRating:Thank you so much Kamlesh your support is 1st Class. Please come up with more php scripts. I wish you all the best in sales.
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PHP Script Installation Service
Don't worry about the installation of your script! Have your PHP Script installed for you.
$39 | Buy now |
Category | Scripts & Code / PHP Scripts / Management / School |
First release | 14 June 2019 |
Last update | 22 August 2019 |
HTML/CSS Framework | Bootstrap |
Software version | PHP 7.1, PHP 7.2 |
Files included | .php, .css, .html, .sql, .xml, Javascript .js |
Database | MySQL 5.x |
Software framework | Laravel |
JavaScript Framework | jQuery |
Tags | sessions, classes, roles and permissions, Staffs |