Home / App Templates / Buildbox / Casual

Save the Chopper - Buildbox TemplateSave the Chopper - Buildbox Template
Addictive casual Android Game - Buildbox Template + Android ProjectHome / App Templates / Buildbox / Casual

Save the Chopper - Buildbox Template
Addictive casual Android Game - Buildbox Template + Android Project
SaveTheChopper is an easy to reskin buildbox template for addictive one tap play.
You can publish the game out of the box or reskin it easily as per your needs. It has a huge potential for AD revenue
- Universal (phone & tablet)
- Ad Integration - AdMob Banner + Interstitial
- Endless Game
- Fun 1 Tap Play
- Easy to Reskin
Android Studio - to build the android APK.
Xcode - to build IOS version of the game. (Not required if only Android version is built)
Buildbox (v2.3.3+) - To update/ reskin the game.
Category | App Templates / Buildbox / Casual |
First release | 5 June 2019 |
Last update | 5 June 2019 |
Operating Systems | iOS 10.0, Android 7.0, Android 8.0, iOS 11.0, Android 9.0, iOS 12.0, iOS 8.0, iOS 9.0, Android 4.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | Layered .png, .java, .xml |
Tags | android, mobile, iOS, android game, ios game, game template, Mobile Template, buildbox, buildbox game, buildbox template, android template, endless game, simple game template |