3store OpenCart 3 Website Template3store OpenCart 3 Website Template
3store opencart is a clean and latest design for ecommerce shop
3store OpenCart 3 Website Template
3store opencart is a clean and latest design for ecommerce shop
3Store is a Multipurpose Ecommerce Opencart Theme for any online
Shop(website) such as electronics, games, shoes, sports,
watches,Grocery,toy store, etc. 3store opencart theme comes with Pre
made layout with fully responsive, clean and elegant design and also
additional features like product view with additional images in
featured, bestseller, latest and specials. Other features such as auto
search feature in header, Vertical megamenu and mobile menu,Unique
Product detail design, Convenient product view, Product zoom with
additional image slider, product image thumb with additional images
view, product slider, Hybrid Module, ajax cart,etc.
- HTML5 and CSS3 Clean Codes
- All Major Cross Browser Compatibility
- One click install (Quick Installed Option)
- Mobile Friendly With Bootstrap
- Custom Slideshow & Product slider
- Included RTL language support
- Unlimited Banners + Slider
- Grid / List view With Mobiles Friendly
- Multi Language Supported
- AJAX add to cart Functionality
- Product Slider
- Responsive Design
- Dynamic Layout
- Product zoom and images slider
- Customized Product Page
- Guest Checkout
- Google Fonts
- Installation Documentation With Screenshots
- Unique & Quality Design
- Feature one
- Feature two
- Feature three
Any code editor like notepade, sublime,...MySQL: 5.0.4+ServerBrowser Firefox IE (Internet Explorer) 11Google Chrome Opera Safari
- Documentation is included in the main package
- If you have any problem about theme feel free and contact us