Advanced Android WebView AppAdvanced Android WebView App
A webview that meets all needs
Advanced Android WebView App
A webview that meets all needs
Free Lifetime Update! Free Support! Easy Configure! Play Store Upload!
WebView is a great component to display your responsive sites as a mobile app. WebView has many features. You can easily customize as you want.
Without programming knowledge, you can fully customize the application using the great document. The application is very well documented as step by step. The documentation has 26 items.
Our WebView application supports all web sites and web technologies. You can play videos on your site in full screen, you can run JavaScript. See the list below for all features.
100% Customer satisfaction is our most important vision. After sales we will give you full support. You will receive free lifetime updates. We promise to help you with everything. We make quality applications. You can contact us for any issue. The Google Play Upload service is included in our support.(only for eligible sites)
Demo apk: https://drive.google.com/file/...
- Developed with Android Studio & Gradle
- Material design
- Chromium web engine
- Splash Screen (optional)
- Popup Menu
- WebView supports HTML5, JavaScript, Cookies, CSS, images, videos and other standard web tools and technologies
- AdMob Banner and Interstitial Ads (optional)
- OneSignal Push Notification (optional)
- SnackBar
- Link copy in Menu
- Link Share with customizable message
- Refresh option in Menu
- Back option in Menu
- Floating Action Button for Share
- Opening external apps (Play Store, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...)
- Opening external apps (e-mail app, sms, phone call, maps)
- Firebase Analytics
- Customizable Action Bar Title
- Opening links in external browser (optional)
- Local pages (available in offline)
- Fullscreen video
- Download notification in Toast
- File picker for uploading files
- Geolocation (optional)
- Navigation drawer menu with optional categories (easily customizable)
- Action Bar Share Button
- Pull-to-Refresh (optional)
- Share dialog (optional)
- Confirmation dialog when user tries to exit the app (optional)
- Customization (enable/disable action bar, navigation drawer menu, pull-to-refresh etc.)
- Unlimited Color Option
- Progress Bar
- No Internet Connection Page (HTML or XML)
- Responsive design (portrait, landscape, handling orientation change)
- Support for high-resolution displays (xxxhdpi)
- RTL Support
- Multi language support
- Runtime permissions
- Clean Code
- Easy configuration
- Well documented
- Free support
- Free Lifetime Updates
Android Studio
Category | App Templates / Android |
First release | 23 February 2019 |
Last update | 4 March 2019 |
Operating Systems | Android 8.0, Android 9.0, Android 5.0, Android 6.0 |
Files included | .html, .java, .xml |
Tags | wordpress, html5, admob, android app, material design, android studio, android webview, mobile web, android design guidelines, android web app, browser app, chromium web view, mobile website, universal application, web to app |