Glazbie - Template For a Band Or A MusicianGlazbie - Template For a Band Or A Musician
Website template designed to provide most important information about a band or a musician in a beautiful way.
This HTML template will help you introduce your work to the world whether you're a band or an individual musician working as a freelancer. Its clean and simple design will put emphasis on what's important - your work and most important information about you.
It's easy to set up which will enable you to customize it to your own preferences to provide a unique experience for your visitors. It's the best way to showcase your musical identity to the world.
- Valid HTML and CSS
- Simple CSS
- Javascript Features
- Google Font
- Iconmonstr Icons
- Fully responsive design
- Professional look designed towards musicians and bands
- Animations
- Cross browser support
- Full author support
- SEO friendly code
- Well commented HTML and CSS
- Any Text Editor to Edit Code
- Your Own Hosting Plan
- Your Own Domain
- Unzip the provided file
- Open the Documentation folder
- Follow detailed instructions