Greg Wolf@gregklotzwolf

Professional PHP Script Developer | Expertise in Frontend & Backend Web Development

Average rating of 5.0 based on 2 votes
Author Level 2: Sold between $100 - $1,000 worth of items Featured item: Has had an item featured

About Greg Wolf

Hello! I am a professional developer focused on creating and selling high-quality PHP scripts on Codester. With extensive experience in web development, I am proficient in PHP, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS, and Bootstrap. 

I prioritize performance, ease of use, and security in every project I create.
I offer flexible PHP scripts tailored to suit various project needs, from small-scale applications to large web solutions. Combining skills in both frontend and backend, I am committed to delivering efficient, easy-to-integrate scripts designed with a modern, responsive UI. 

I am here to support your development needs and help bring reliable and functional web solutions to life.

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