
Reskin service providers and quality source code sellers in Indonesia.

Collector Level 1: Bought between 1 and 9 items Author Level 1: Sold between $1 - $100 worth of items Affiliate level 1: Referred between 1 - 9 members
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About Aliendroid

Our Term:

a. License: When you buy an item, you acquire the right to use that item; you're not actually acquiring the item itself. What you get includes a license directly from the author to use that item. Items are subject to specific terms of use, and these terms are the ‘license’ that we set on Reskin Aliendroid. This license also applies to you if you download an item that someone else has bought for you (because anyone downloading an item needs to be an Reskin Aliendroid member). Different license types are available for you to choose when you have selected an item. You’ll need to think about the way you want to use the item so that you can pick the right license to allow that use. It’s your responsibility to choose the correct license.b. Item support: Authors can choose whether or not to support certain items. If an author chooses to support an item, this will be identified on the item page.  All supported items include a support period. You can buy support extensions on these items. Your right to access Item Support requires an Reskin Aliendroid account.

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