The world is changing and Codester needs to change
Bigboss357 May 12, 2020Codester is a great platform, but there is still room for improvement. I won't lie but is important to put it out there cause this platform needs to improve big if authors want clients to respect our work.
Codester is being more like a place where authors who items don't get approved on codecanyon gets dumped.
We need a better review team to put up quality items on codester even if it takes days to approve the item.
It seems codester doesn't have item standards
More withdrawal option
2fa should be added for more author account security
Email update should be sent out to clients when an item update is approved by the review team
Author sales for an item should be made public.
Spice up platform like adding an item of the month, author ranks, more interesting badges.
Better forums.
Adding a purchase code system to prevent the item from being nulled
Add categories for new item release, instead of for piling all types of items, like PHP, HTML, WordPress, logo, and graphics work together.
Add elite authors.
I just want codester to be the best as competition is increasing, the world is changing and codester needs to change with it
This post has been last edited at 2020-05-13 10:22:56 -
Many thanks for all the suggestions.
You got some very good points there and also there are quite a fews things also on our future development list.
The coming time will be doing our best improving Codester.