Would i be able to sell my Faucet list here?
Noonecares99K Jan 9, 2019Hi everyone i have got a faucet list that i am selling on bitcointalk just wondering if i can sell it here to i am not a good Designer when it comes to making a Awesome photo for market places so just wondering
Its a full cms no api
It's a rather specific product. It would also need to improve as it will have to have a more professional feel to be sold as a premium script.
Noonecares99K Jan 11, 2019Frederick so you saying i need to make it into a better Design?
To start with yes. I would also try to improve the script itself a bit more.
Noonecares99K Jan 15, 2019Frederick ok will i already went from a bad design to this design now
if you talking about improving the features
i got no idea what else to add to it