BrightPoster Mar 9, 2018Bought today a Wordpress theme, the creditcard went through (with a green check mark). But then your website says an error occurred...
Why can't we buy the item? Is our card charged??
Regards -
You should not be charged if any error occurs.
Please leave a support ticket here https://support.codester.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
We should be able to help you from there.
This post has been last edited at 2018-03-09 11:00:50 -
BrightPoster Mar 9, 2018OK, left a support ticket and will wait for the follow-up.
BrightPoster Mar 9, 2018In contrast with what you said, there are already 3 reservations on our creditcard!
It may take some time, but it should be automatically released again.This post has been last edited at 2018-03-09 11:28:38
BrightPoster Apr 2, 2018Just checked CC account, everything OK! Thanks for the follow up.