You Rejected My Wordpress Theme
Silentstudent Dec 26, 2017Hi!
You Rejected My Wordpress Theme and Said That my theme is not meet the Quality .
But Your alternative Godegrape accept my theme..
Can i asked Why... What Default in my theme so could correct itThis post has been last edited at 2018-01-16 10:35:34 -
ChewiScripts Dec 26, 2017Different marketplaces have different standards and looking at your theme I can see why Codester rejected it but my advice is:
Change the design
Make sure the code is clean and up to date
After you have done the above:
Re-upload and reduce the price (Currently the design makes it look like its worth $20 max) -
Silentstudent Dec 26, 2017I appreciate That you give reply fast but let them to say something.
I Checked Your Profile , You are Good in Scripts. -
ChewiScripts Dec 26, 2017Yes You should hear from Codeser but it has happened to me before so just giving you some worthy advice!
Codegrape is not the standard we look up to.
Like ChewiScripts already mentioned, it needs a new design and more functions.
You can have a look at other themes on the marketplace to give you an idea what you need to qualify as a premium theme.
Silentstudent Dec 28, 2017If You approved My theme i will make alot of changes in updates version.
Then How About That One.. post has been last edited at 2017-12-28 17:02:03 -
ChewiScripts Dec 28, 2017That’s not how it works - you need to make your script worthy of approval by changing the design and making it look like something from the 21st Century. As Frederick said your template may be the standards of CodeGrape which in my opinion is a very poor marketplace but at Codester they have much higher standards and want to keep a good reputation unlike CodeGrape. Change the design make it look nice and then re-submit it!
Silentstudent Dec 29, 2017Than What About the KIKO wordpress theme above
Sorry Silentstudent, we are not going to explain why themes are approved.
You got some good feedback, which you can use to improve your product.
Try looking at the best selling themes instead and see how you can get up there and what your product needs. -
Silentstudent Dec 29, 2017OK .
Frederick Staff